It sure has been awhile….

I have surprised myself at just how long it has been since my last post. I kept telling myself that I would post just as soon as I finished a couple of terrain pieces that I have been working on but every time I thought they were finished I decided that they were not quite right yet. As I worked on the. I also continued prepping things to get rid of…. so I have gotten a lot of practice in glueing sand to bases and airbrushing primer.

Some developments that have built up include the arrival of our Firelock Games Blood & Plunder Raise the Black Kickstarter pledge. We are really excited about the two sloops. Not so excited about the minis. I put six of the sailors together and am not finding myself very excited about them. Part of it is down to the sculpts but part of it is down to the awkward looking poses I built. I suspect I can improve on that in the future if we keep the sprues.

We do have plenty of pirates and sailors from other companies though so miniatures will not be an issue. We lucked into quite a good deal on a bunch of Anno 1666 miniatures. It will be quite some time until we have enough painted to play any Blood & Plunder though.

We are thinking of playing our Blood & Plunder using the 7th Sea fantasy setting with some houserules though instead of the official historical setting of Blood & Plunder.

We also received our Next Level Miniatures Kickstarter Pledge.

We were disappointed with these. They are in the small side, feeling more like 25mm scale than 28mm and the Siocast material has been more difficult to work with than I expected. Most of these will find a new home and we decided against backing their second Kickstarter based on these.

Also arriving was a box of Harvesters from Wargames Atalntic that I won as part of their completion to come up with a name for them. My submission was Krixor.

I did not realize at the time of the competition but time but in hindsight they look a lot like the “Alien Bugs” from Defiance Games, although those are admittedly six legged instead of four.

It may just be a case of using the same artists but I suspect there is some sort of connection between Wargames Atlantic and the now defunct Defiance Games.

The Alien War Bugs Are Assembled!

I caused quite a bit of negative feedback when I proposed that notion on Dakka Dakka and began asking questions about the background of the company on the Wargames Atlantic forum. That is why I left the Wargames Atlantic forum, despite once being a prolific poster there and very vocal supporter of Wargames Atlantic in general. Sadly, some relationships can sour. WGA still makes some great products and I wish them well.

In other news Mrs GG and I finished all of Star Trek Voyager, we liked it more than a loft of other people did based on reviews I have read and discussions I have had online. It certainly got better as time went on although the writing was far from perfect and the final season felt rushed.

I seem to become of the few people that likes Neelix although it is Tuvok that I felt deserved a spin off show with him as Captain. And Mrs. GG really likes Seven of Nine…. which may get us to actually watch seasons 2 and 3 of Picard some day. It did feel to us like season 1 of Picard ignored all the plot points regarding AI rights from Voyager.

We moved on to Babylon 5 and have finished season 1.

We are both enjoying it although I seem to like it more than Mrs. GG does. Londo and G’kar always make me laugh. Such great characters. And it makes for good “end of the evening” watching as it feels pretty optimistic even with the looming threats and constant conflict.

Not optimistic has been the final season of Fear the Walking Dead. Mrs. GG lost interest in apocalypse stuff awhile back but I am still interested in the genre. But the writers of Fear the Walking Dead have again had me questioning that interest.

As for movies, we watched Avatar 2: Way of Water.

Not a bad movie. Mediocre plot but decent enough writing. Some annoying plot holes but several themes and plots that Mrs. GG and I could identify with. I keep finding myself liking Quaritch even though I know I should not. As a veteran myself he speaks a language I understand. The cinematography and animation is amazing and there is plenty of talk about that online. But I think the world building Cameron did. gets him more credit than he deserves. It is beautiful but it does not always make sense to me. And the big plot points of “substance that stops human aging” added to the original “unobtanium is the most precious material” from the first film as well as “Earth is dying, we are preparing Pandora for mass Human colonization” takes the stakes to an uncomfortable level if you dwell on it… which the film does not. It makes those points and then just sort of ignores how big those things are.

Another movie I watched involving water was…

… Underwater. A pretty formulaic ocean based monster movie. It reminded me of Deepstar Six from 1989. A couple of surprises made it an interesting addition to the genre but it is mostly a film of the usual tropes done adequately. Not incredibly thought provoking but decent popcorn entertainment.

More interesting to me was an older film I stumbled across. The Guns at Batasi.

A quirky British military film from the 60’s it addresses the issue of the end of British Imperial colonialism. I found it very thought provoking on that topic but also I found the character of the Regimental Sergeant Major (played by Richard Attenborough) to be fascinating. A flawed man but also the kind of NCO I aspired to be. Martinets are often portrayed in movies as incompetent bullies, using the book to hide their inadequacy. Such as Captain Sobel in Band of Brothers.

But RSM Lauderdale, despite his quirky flaws and obsession with what may appear to be petty details, rises to the challenges presented to him and shows great courage as well as strength of character. Even if that eventually costs him in the end.

I struggled a bit with the end as I was unsure what exactly the director wanted me to take from it. But the very final scene helped me decide what I wanted to take from it and how it reminded me of my own professional careers in first the US Army and later the British Police.

And yes, I have been considered something of martinet by various people over the years.

After that gem of a movie I came across the decent but not as good….. The 7th Dawn.

A story of the Malaysian Emergency, it had a hard boiled grittiness I did not expect. A somewhat depressing end but I liked Holden in his role as Major Ferris, something of an anti-hero. In some ways he reminded me of myself. I may have wanted to be Attenborough’s RSM Lauderdale but it seems I may have ended up more like Holden’s “Once-Major but now civilian” Ferris. It felt believable and tragic. Another movie about the end of British Imperial colonialism it was a harsh reminder of just how cruel anti-insurgency operations can be, especially for civilian populations caught in the middle.

A grim but surprisingly movie about the follow up to the end of colonialism in the Congo was Mister Bob.

If you have any interest in the history of contemporary Africa or mercenaries in general then I would highly recommend this movie.

The story of a part of the infamous French mercenary Bob Denard’s life. It makes for a great opener to study him and the people around him in more depth. It is brutally grim at times but that reflects the subject material. That is why I did not recommend Mrs. GG rewatch it with me. Yes, I liked it enough to watch it more than once.

Denard is portrayed as a flawed, quirky man who is brave and cares about his men but is not always wise and seems to be more lucky than skilled. Appearing insecure, unimposing and unsuccessful in the official French military he comes across an unlikely military leader with some political aspirations where his reach often exceeds his grasp. He is more loyal to his second wife and his men than his first wife and kids and unlike the stereotype of mercenaries he seems little interested in actual wealth. Rather he seems more interested in prestige. As if he is constantly trying to prove something. I found him surprisingly likable and relatable even when I disagreed with many of his decisions. I put that down to the skill of the actor and the writing. It was easy for me to empathize with him rather than just feel sorry for him.

A cautionary tale that makes me glad to have not chosen a similar path in my own life. Yes, it is true that I have considered in the past to have become a PMC. I am glad today that I did not although I often feel like something of a “hasbeen” these days. Better a “hasbeen” than a ““wannabe” I suppose.

I have more to say about a number of other things but this has already been a pretty long blog post and I appreciate those of you that have made it this far. I would love to hear your thoughts, views and opinions on what I have written. I have been thinking a lot about colonialism thanks to various gaming projects I have been considering and films I have seen lately. I suspect I will need to write a blog post about it in the near future.


  1. There is a lot of content in here GG, firstly models lots of cool new bits to play and paint, some not so much, but if you can move them on, then someone else may enjoy them.
    Lot’s of films and series there as well, will have to check out Mr Bob. As for Avatar I think the invasion of Pandora will be in one of the later instalments, which is why it was not dwelt upon. Dave don’t you mean colonisation by the humans, NO it will be an invasion, as the human race doesn’t like being told no, or that it is someone else’s. It reminds me of an article I read, where a critic was complaining that all Sci-Fi films portrayed humans as the villains, the man has obviously never read a history book, or watched the news ! LOL

    Liked by 2 people

    • I was surprised to see that it looks like there will be five Avatar movies, so plenty of time to explore the invasion. And yes, I also expect it to be an invasion. Much as I appreciate Pandora and it’s inhabitants it is hard for me to turn my back on the survival of Humanity. I would go about the matter a different way though as I think conquering Pandora would be quite a bit more difficult than conquering Earth was.

      Humans are a diverse lot. Some are villains. Some are heroes. Most are just along for the ride.

      I think I need to get one of those Avatar crab sub toys to use as a model in one of our games though….

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      • There are some great vehicles and creatures in the movies that would be very useful indeed.
        Agree that there are good and bad, and indifferent people, just most of the bad seem to be in charge ! LOL

        Liked by 2 people

      • I have long had a habit of not necessarily getting along with the people in charge, despite being a low ranked leader myself. Some folks think I am only happy if I am in charge… that is not quite true. I just dislike following people that are incompetent or morally bankrupt.

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  2. Lots of stuff here, with the shuttering of The Fly on the Wall podcast with IRO this is the most TV/movie review stuff I have read in a while. All good. My main point on that is B5 will get even better, and it’s amazing how it was able to do its planned 5 seasons with all the personnel challenges. Even now, I’m amazed at how many cast members are dead – a lot. Anyway welcome back and an interesting post. Now I have to play golf again!

    Liked by 3 people

    • I look forward to the new animated B5 show coming with the remaining cast members reprising their roles.

      One thing with season 2, I hope Sheridan grows on me as I much preferred Sinclair.

      Enjoy your golf and thanks for the kind words!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Good to hear your virtual voice again!

    Your battle reports did their slow work and I just played my first scenario of Rangers of Shadow Deep yesterday. 😁 Liked it very much and it seems likely to scratch the itch that Gloomhaven most certainly did not.

    Pleasing to be able to get some terrain on the table, too, since my Thursday night game (now entirely using my Our Magic rules in development) has been theatre of the mind for a long time now.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Glad to hear Rangers of Shadow Deep agreed with you. I have a lot of painting ahead of me before we are ready to embark on our Rangers campaign but I try to keep up with all the expansion material in order to be ready for that fateful day. Theater of the mind has its advantages but I do really love having terrain on the table.

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  4. Babylon 5! I watched all of the series the first time around and have dipped back into it from time to time (I bought myself the dvd boxed set years back). Not always perfect, but I enjoyed it on the whole, I liked the flawed nature of many of the characters. Hopefully Sheridan will grow on you, he did on me eventually .

    Liked by 2 people

    • A lot people seem to like Sheridan so I figured there must be something to the character. I do wonder how much the show would benefit from current production standards. I really like a lot of the individual alien designs but the set dressing and special effects can break immersion for me sometimes. It would seem they were working on a tighter budget than Deep Space 9.

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  5. GOSH, I`ve been away from the WGA forum for a bit, Eileens been troubled with pain, so I`ve uped the stakes and found little model or social time. I`m really going to miss you there when I`m able to return. Glad I`ve this means, now I like the look of your pirates, and think only one, the gent with gun at middle legs bent is different. But eh he`s on a boat “Balance” of course he`s in “Horse Stance”. Look forward to seeing the boats.
    Sorry your`re not keen on the new “Siocast ” I love Rubicons details off the scale, not nice to be thinking of selling already. I`m in the same boat, I brought a Cyberpunk Kickstarter. on Forum Johns say, that the figures were 28mm Shadowrun size, sadly a humans 32mm +,. Fantastic thing but way to big got to go dam it .
    Having 100 Defiance Marines, and 100 bugs, I to noticed a lot of resemblance in the Harvesters and the Bugs. Congratulations on your win , but sorry your questions lead to your loss. Here`s what Eileen and me Know as we were trading with the guy. He was part of the original Wargames Factory, left to set up his own Defiance Games, to sell the Si Fi that WF were (in his words to slow to sell)> There were a lot of Military Guys on the Forum Uller and J-Tam for two, the Germans ? Chinese were coming and he asked for orders in advance for the power suits and the jeeps we put in our more than “Two Pence” worth and that when the major turd came down the pan. Traders, followers, all lost a lot of money. He never intended to fufill his promices to any one, How, I`m not sure, but I belive fallout damaged even WF, then they went down, to rise as Wargame Atlantic, not totally sure but there`s a lot in common.!? Either way, Defiance damaged the worst thing, “Trust” a lot of Designers this side of the pond recieved no remmitance for their work. Once bitten twice shy and who could blame them. I think he might have been the first of the real “Rogue Traders” .

    Love your film and series reviews don`t think we have seen Underwater ?, I`ve got to end this now. Had our third tea time Thunder Storm in a row, and the Bloody washing was on the lines , one wet cat demanding her Dad, and washing that was nearly dry more wet now than when I started I can`t win today. All my love my friend, keep up with those Quar and “Don`t let the Bar**ards drive you down.” You amd your familly are in our hearts allways Geoff and Eileen.

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    • Very sorry to hear Eileen has been in pain. I am thinking not all siocast is the same as I have seen some decent Siocast models. However not in that Kickstarter. All the different scales of figures is frustrating, for sure.

      Maybe the connections between the companies are completely innocent but I just can not see how there are no connections. Too many similarities. The models, the first 1000 votes to see what kit gets priority to build, Dreamforge, promotional figures painted by the same artists, sprue similarity. But as much as I would like transparency, as long as people get the products they want my curiosity means very little. I hopes really benefit from the current Gamefound campaign.

      Thanks for the very kind message mate. Wishing you and your family the very best!

      Liked by 1 person

      • We may have met on WGA forum, but our friendship is important to me so we will be around as long as you wish. By the way you missed a “Kodak moment” last night the Storm was spectacular and I was soaked to the skin. Thunder lightning, garden flooded in minutes and here`s me “Tin Leg “,carrying a metal line prop, then the penny dropped. I dropped it and as good as run/walked back in laughing my head off. Who`s a “Pratt” . Love you. Bye all.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Good to see you back to the blog. Voyager was an excellent series. I also liked Neelix, he’s the kind of character that at first glance and/or in small doses just seems like a slightly irritating and irrelevant comedy character; the Jar-Jar Binks of Star Trek. However the more attention you pay to him and his story the more depth comes through, there’s real humour and pathos there.

    I think I’ve moaned about Picard to you before but I really, really enjoyed Season 3. Skip Season 2, it was rubbish, but give Season 3 a go (and watch out for a guest appearance from Tuvok – I’ll say no more for risk of spoilers).

    Babylon 5 is excellent, one of the greatest Sci fi series I reckon, glad to hear you’re enjoying it.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Neelix has his annoying moments for sure. Good comparison with Jar-Jar (who in my opinion never got the chance to develop as Neelix did). Neelix’srelationship with Kes was… awkward. But then a lot about Kes was awkward. That character and plot line was in my opinion a swing and miss. With Neelix the key was to see his character development. Same as the Doctor. Very annoying at first but developed to be interesting and then only occasionally annoying. I never took to Janeway. Paris was at best watchable, with the best bits with him was his love of pulp sci-fi holodeck adventures, but his “bad boy” cavalier attitude annoyed me. Kim was cool but lacked proper acknowledgement for his character development and his lack of promotion plot line was far too on the nose as a meta punchline. Seven was fun as an exploration of what makes us Human. Being a big fan of Klingons I found B’Elanna annyoing but at least she gave the show an excuse to have some more Klingon plot lines. Chakotay was alright except for the boxing episode. It just seemed so… oddly out of character. At times the show really felt like it suffered schizophrenia from having too many different writers with different visions.

      What Voyager really should have done was show the ship and it’s crew evolve. Add more new crew to replace those that died or decided to stay somewhere rather than continue to voyage back to Earth. Add visible modifications to the ship via alien technology. More of that kind of thing and less time travel. I really hate temporal paradox plotlines.

      I really look forward to B5 and it’s development. I know the big plot reveal for the final season but it will be fun to see how we get there.

      And I love reading the comments folks are making on here to share their thoughts. It helps me to think more deeply about it all. So thank you!

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I think the Blood and Thunder minis look better than you describe and I look forward to seeing them painted. Its a shame some of the other purchases didn’t work out though I can see what you mean about the ones being too small. Even in the photo they look a bit tiny to me.

    I thought the first Avatar movie was so basic and uninspiring in its message/theme that I’ve had no desire to see the latest one. I can’t believe Disney is investing so heavily in the franchise for their theme parks but I guess it does bring in big box office numbers so what do I know! I fully admit that I’m probably just being too much of a literary snob…

    I have not heard of Mister Bob but based on the cover, it looks like they found a good actor to play Mobutu. There is a fascinating book called In the Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz, if I remember the title right, that describes Mobutu’s failed reign. The Congo is fascinating and incredibly sad and my impression is that it isn’t really any better now than it has been for many years. King Leopold’s Ghost is a great way to find out about how the Belgians ruined the country in the first place as well.

    My wife is Congolese and she doesn’t like to watch things that are gruesome or hit home for her so I’ll have to see if I can track that movie down and watch it when she’s out. Beasts of No Nation is a grim but realistic take on African warlords and child soldiers if you’re interested in that cheery topic as well. I enjoyed it and she found it stressful so I haven’t made the mistake of watching something like that with her ever again!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I have had to become more discriminating on what I decide to invest time in painting as I just have too much to paint and not enough time. If a sculpt does not speak to me, it will not get painted. I am hoping the Blood and Plunder personality miniatures appeal to me more when I put them together. And the next batch of sailors I think I will be less committed to following the instructions and use my imagination more.

      The first Avatar was alright. I found Quaritch entertaining to watch but was disappointed that he was such a simplistic villain… and the writing overall to be mediocre. Tropes were done adequately but not brilliantly, unlike the setting which was amazing. And that continues in the sequel. It was better than the first but as Bret has said it was also grim. The fighting felt very one sided which undermined the sense of threat. It felt preachy even to me and I am in favor of giving Apes, Dolphins and Whales the same rights as Humans.

      With Stephan Lang and Quaritch, I am reminded of Terra Nova. He starts off something of a villain but has an interesting character arc. I keep hoping this goes the same way because to a certain degree I can identify with Quaritch.

      I found Beasts of No Nations well worth watching but I struggle to say I enjoyed it. It entertained me and helped encourage me to do further research. Same as Seige of Jadotville. A lot of history I was unaware of. I really do not know enough about Africa. I can see now why the latest Black Panther movie might have wanted to have French mercenaries as part of the plot… although it seems I fair to single out France and the USA.

      Hopefully you are feeling better soon mate!

      Liked by 2 people

      • That makes sense and we are very alike in our discriminating “taste”! I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

        It is hard for me to imagine a grim Avatar because the first one was so simplistic and squeaky clean feeling but I will definitely take your word for it.

        I’m not surprised to hear that you’ve already seen Beasts of No Nation. It was a fairly high profile movie when it came out and enjoyment does not come easily from it either. Africa’s history is interesting from what I’ve read though there aren’t a lot of books out there in your traditional bookstores compared to European history which is a shame. To learn about Africa is often to learn about past sins by colonialists that have never really been rectified but that is true for much of the world, I suppose.

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      • Perhaps grim in a cynical sense, you know the contemporary vibe we are constantly subjected to. I know the “corporate” Humans are the villains but their casual numerous deaths made me ponder their individual lives, circumstances, families and what not. I seem to recall the first Avatar made a point about trying to reinforce the idea that they villains were PMCs rather than soldiers/marines. The line felt more blurred this time thanks to the Four Star General in charge.

        Oh, and that General tortured a Human Teenager with something arguably worse than waterboarding.

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      • That is interesting mate and not at all what I would have expected. I probably won’t have the time to watch it, but I’m more curious about the second Avatar movie now than I was before so thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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      • Let me be clear mate, the main plot is still very simplistic. Humans bad, Pandorans good and it is insanity not to be one with nature. Very Dances with Wolves… or alien whales in this case. But there are some interesting subplots layered in. It is not great story telling though. And having rewatched part of Avatar 1 last night… the visible Pandoran body count is considerably lower. By a remarkable and clearly intentional degree. There were a number of things I missed or did not remember from the first movie. Such as the efforts the Humans made to try to avoid conflict. Conflict was always on the table but the plan was not genocide at all costs right from the start. It was worth rewatching but really only from an academic perspective. It is still a underwhelming story that could have been much better.

        That said, Pandora is an amazingly beautiful setting and is inspirational when it comes to terrain making.

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      • That makes sense, mate. I appreciate the academic approach you took with all of this too. Pandora’s visuals are definitely top-notch and I would guess that is a big reason why Disney has added Avatar rides to their theme parks. I’d love to see you take on some Pandora-inspired terrain in the future as well!

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      • I am a wannabe amateur writer, costumer, cinematographer and philosopher….and…. I like the sound of my own voice a little too much. So it always pleases me when folks read what I write and it is even better when they engage in discussion about what I have written. That is why I always look forward to your posts and comments. I respect your opinions and appreciate your engagement.

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  8. Wife and I just finished Avatar 2 last night, didn’t enjoy it as much as the first one but still enjoyed the spectacle of it all. Could have been less grim though, guess I’m getting older and have less tolerance for that now.

    Can’t let a GG post go without a Quar reference, if you haven’t already seen this blog, check out Rabbits in the Basement, he has done several Quar posts lately.

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  9. I’m glad all is well.

    I was unimpressed with Picard Season 1. I watched the first three episodes of Season 2 but was not feeling it at all. However, a lot of people whose opinion on such things I value said Season 3 was rather good. Other than knowing that Picard is a synthetic and that Seven of Nine has romantic overtures with Rafaella, you could watch Season 3 without ever watching the second one. And if you knew about his Romulan housekeepers, you wouldn’t even need to see the first. I enjoyed Season 3. Felt quite a bit like what the old TNG was like and it helped to remove the taste that Season 1 left. I actually watched a Season 2 recap video on YouTube anyways. It made Season 2 look a lot better than it actually was due to them glossing over a lot of the bad parts.

    As for Babylon 5, it’s a case of the “it gets going after the first season.” The actors seem to begin to get into their characters more and it turns out to be one of my favorite Sci-Fi series. The banter between characters becomes on par of that of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer and you get the feeling that these are real people with real lives beyond the uniform and even while wearing it. I also enjoyed the made for TV movies for it as well as the offshoot show Crusade. Unfortunately, it had the same ‘these characters need time to show their stories’ and apparently the network didn’t want to give them that time.

    I ran into Anthony from ZombieSmith at a convention and they’re still working with the deal on the plastics and the companies doing them. I had asked Josh to send you an autograph copy of the rulebook for Christmas and Anthony said that the rules he (Anthony) wrote are crap and it’s all about the figures. But he has one of those types of dry, abrasive humors that are sometimes hard to decipher. He was teaching painting minis for anyone who wanted to learn at the convention.

    I came across one of the boar pins of the GE the other day. I’m thinking about making a mold of it and the coins if I can find them. I’m itching to do some more casting but no one is asking for any commissions these days. 😛

    Look forward to your next post!

    Liked by 2 people

    • As always a pleasure to hear from you mate!

      I look forward to see what Zombiesmith comes up with for the 28mm Quar between Josh’s metal sculpts, the plastics from Wargames Atlantic and the Siocast from Moddler. I believe I have all the rule books now (although I did not get a signed rulebook from Josh) and the rules seem sound to me. However I have so many games that I am interested in. I got a copy of the new Nuts! Weird War 2 rules from Two Hour Wargames recently to use with my Mars Attacks Martians and they are pretty cool. They would work well for Quar as well. But so would Chain of Command from Toofatlardies.

      We are enjoying B5 (which we get for free right now) enough to actually consider paying to watch the B5 movies. Given what we pay for Disney+, Amazon and Netflix we are always hesitant to pay to watch something… which is why we only recently saw Avatar 2. But you know me, once I get into something I want to get all the way in.

      Never enough time!

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  10. Quite a lot going on here! 🙂 I like those Harvesters! I’ve just about got to the end of Season 3 of Voyager and have realised there were quite a few episodes I missed first time round. As far as characters go I liked Neelix, Tuvok, the Doctor, Seven of Nine and Captain Janeway most (in no particular order there – in fact I think Kathryn Janeway is probably my favourite Star Trek universe captain, a comment that will probably not go down well with some, but I don’t care). As far as B5 is concerned I preferred Sinclair to Sheridan but the latter did grow on me quite a bit.

    Liked by 3 people

    • While I did not like Janeway I am glad you enjoyed her Captaincy. I did not mind her in the beginning and did not see why people complained about her but in later seasons, some episodes, she did not seem to me to always display Federation values. Then in the following episode she would be the model Federation representative. It made my head spin. And she should have promoted Kim. But she certainly had her moments.

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      • This to my shame we have never seen more than 3 if that episodes. I`m more Space Above and Beyond, than Star Trek.

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      • I really need to watch all of the Space Above and Beyond episodes in order at some point. Quite the reveal at the end. It would be great to see an updated version. You would think the US military would fund a decent military sci-fi series as a recruiting tool.

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      • Our favorite show at the moment is La Brea, a nice time twist series we have brought on region 3 Blue ray seasons 1-2, we love it.

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  11. Good to see you posting, GG! I haven’t watched any of the shows you mentioned. However, I do see a passing resemblance to Starship Troopers in those Wargame Atlantic’s bugs. Might have to pick some of those up! 😀

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