Rivers of Anyaral KS Pledge Arrives!

Rivers of Anyaral Kickstarter Pledge & Extras

While I have been preoccupied with LARP lately I do have a lot more on my plate. For example our pledge for the Rivers of Anyaral Kickstarter arrived! We love these fantasy dino people and creatures. As whimsical…. er I mean grimsical…. as Hagglethorn Hollow and the Quar, they are just our kind of thing

This kickstarter expanded on the already amazing World of Anyaral.


The only problem with this arriving now is that it reminds me just how little time I will have to paint during the next few months as we move… and what painting time I get needs to prioritize items that are going to find their home with other people.

In other news….

I finished Season 3 of Snowpiercer.

Snowpiercer the TV series of diminishing returns…

I quite enjoyed Season 1 but Snowpiercer has been steadily going downhill since then. That said it is still watchable and I do not regret the time I have spent on it. In fact I will watch Season 4, which is expected to be the final season, but with low expectations.

A show I went in with low expectations for was the movie Atlas…

Atlas… AI are Evil… until they get upgraded, definitely purchase AI 2.0 even if AI 1.0 almost destroyed humanity…. corporate logic 101.

Atlas was much better than I expected. It is far from perfect, the plot is terrible and if they had a military technical advisor they must have ignored their advice. The costuming, set dressing and special effects were great. Acting pretty solid. But the real gem was the witty dialogue between Atlas and Smith. Unfortunately most of the rest of the dialogue was underwhelming. So much potential but sadly unachieved.

As for diminishing returns… that also applies to the three Equalizer movies with Denzel Washington.

The Equalizer…. Not bad.

I only remember a bit of the old Equalizer TV series but I recall enjoying it well enough. And the first movie in the trilogy did evoke a sense of nostalgia for me but by the third movie I felt like it was more like a John Wick or Jason Bourne movie. Since I like those movies it is not terrible but I would like Robert McCall to be very different from Wick or Bourne.

What was a surprising joy for us was Renegade Nell!

Renegade Nell…. Excellent! Highly recommended.

We greatly enjoyed Renegade Nell. Excellent across the board, costuming, set dressing, writing, acting…. All of it. We do not necessarily need a second season but we definitely want more tv shows as good as this one.

As always I would like to hear your opinions. Please leave a comment below!


  1. Hope the move will go smoothly for you GG, and can understand how that can effect painting time.

    Have watched Snowpiercer, and will be interesting to see where they go with the final season, I felt that where they made it into a series, they spent a lot of time on certain areas, but totally missed other aspects.

    Enjoyed the Equaliser movies, but as they have gone along it’s been more about the action, than the stories of the innocents like in the first movie.

    Atlas was better than expected, and had some great ideas in it for wargaming.

    Haven’t watched Renegade Nell, so will check it out.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks mate. We are expecting the move to be difficult but needs must.

      It would seem we are in alignment on tv/movies!

      Snowpiercer definitely felt like it missed a lot of its potential.

      I thought the main villain in Renegade Nell was quite interesting, especially his take on the Dark Arts.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Once again I learn of new things by reading your blog! Those kickstarter figures look quite interesting and as you say, grimsical.

    Never made it past season 1 of snowpiercer, just couldn’t get into it.

    Will give Renegade Nell a look, hadn’t heard of it. Will get through the latest season of Sweet Tooth first.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The World of Anyaral is absolutely amazing. I would love to see an an animated tv series of the setting.

      If season 1 of Snowpiercer did not grab you then I am fairly confident the follow on seasons would disappoint you.

      We are looking forward to more Sweet Tooth.


  3. The new minis look great to me and I hope you’ll have some time to work on them fairly soon! I haven’t watched any of the shows you’ve seen lately so I can’t offer any opinions. I’m struggling to make any progress on watching Fallout. I’ve seen an episode and a half thus far and its not grabbed me. Going to give it another episode or two before I decide whether to keep going or give up.

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